pp108 : Service Container Details

Service Container Details

This topic lists and describes various fields available on the App Palette.
Field Description
Name Name of the service container
Computer Name of the computer where the service container is running
Startup-Type Indicates whether the service container has been started manually or automatically
Organization Name of the organization where the service container has been created
Status Indicates whether a service container has started or not
Process-ID Displays the operating system process ID of the service container
SOAP-Messages Displays the number of SOAP messages processed by the service container
Processing-Time Displays the total time taken, in milliseconds, for the SOAP messages to be processed by the service container
Last-Time Displays the time taken, in milliseconds, for the last SOAP message to be processed by the service container
NOMNodesPoolMemory The total native virtual memory used by all NOM Document instances in this process
NOMStringPoolMemory The total native heap memory used by all NOM Document instances in this process
VirtualMemoryUsage Displays the virtual memory allocated to the service container
ResidentMemoryUsage Displays the physical memory currently allocated to each service container

Related concepts

Simple Object Access Protocol

Related tasks

Creating a Service Container
Modifying a Service Container

Related reference

OS Process Configuration Interface
Service Container Properties Interface
Logging Configuration Interface
Connection Point Configuration Interface

Related information

Configuring OS Processes for a Service Container